Join Teddy Bear, Cool Cat, Brad, and friends in an animated exploration of instrument playing for early childhood (Pre-K-2nd...
Capture a child’s imagination with music, movement, and Boomwhackers! This animated DVD has 15 Boomwhackers activities for...
Eight fun-filled thematic lessons for grades 2-5 that focus on basic music elements (beat, rhythm patterns, melody,...
Incorporates the sound and action of the tubes to express the stories of traditional and original scripturally based songs....
Price: $14.78
Completes treble clef reading through high G. The 6/8 time signature is introduced with the memorable lyrics, “An eighth...
Price: $14.99
Introduces bass clef and grand staff reading. Covers time signatures, flats and dynamics. 13 Lessons. Uses C Major Diatonic...
Price: $8.99
Completes bass clef notes and grand staff reading. Also covers mixed meter, tempo markings, intervals, accents and...
Price: $8.99
Covers triplets, seventh chords and Latin rhythms, mixed meter, major/minor/perfect intervals and tempo markings. Includes...
Price: $8.99
Teach important musical concepts with Boomwhackers! Want to teach Boomwhackers in the music classroom? Boomwhacker Beatz...
Have fun with Boomwhackers in the classroom with this CD-ROM that contains animated songs and games that teach basic musical...
Boomwhackers Beat Bag comes with games and arrangements for 3rd-5th grade students. Includes printed music book with...
Includes seven enjoyable activities for pre-K, kindergarten, first, and second grade students. The CD includes instruction...
12 familiar children’s songs using the C Major Diatonic Set. Pre-K to Grade 2.
Price: $24.75
Expands the musical range to include some bass notes and B-flat. 12 familiar songs. Pre-K to Grade 2.
Price: $24.75
Includes 11 familiar songs. Uses B-flat and some bass notes. Pre-K to Grade 3.
Price: $24.75